On the Creation of this Website and Assembler
June 15, 2024
I don't have much interesting to say other than the creation of this website has been a very big learning experience for me. It's exciting to even think that I have my own website in the first place. In making this website I finally learned some JavaScript and refined my HTML and CSS skills a bit more. I will continue to learn more web development as time goes on and create interesting blog posts in the future. I might make some posts going into detail about my past programming experience. For now, I am just happy to be here typing this.
On Assembly
As a side note, I am soon going to begin my class on Assembly which is very exciting. The first time I ever heard of assembly was from a YouTube video made by John Hammond. In the video he makes a "simple" Hello World program in assembly. It was a very interesting video, and at the time I was amazed (and a little intimidated) by how complex the language seemed to be. Nonetheless, I am eager to take on this challenge, as everyone seems to consider assembly as this mythical wizardry language.
I am not saying this class is going to be super easy, but in my experience cs students love to exaggerate. So I will be approaching this with an open mind, rather than anxiety and fear.
Here is the video I mentioned before: